Everything you never wanted to know and therefore never asked
This section was created for those of you that have nothing better to do than to read why and how this website was created in the ever-so enjoyable Q&A format.
Q It looks like you got some redecorating done. Would you like to tell us a bit more about the changes?
Too bad your personality hasn’t undergone a similar upgrade. What prompted you to go on an ego-trip by building a website? Were you beaten as a child or something?
This site was created to help someone at work with a web-project. Since then, it has become much bigger obviously, trying to bring the best airshow action from around Europe to people’s computer screens.

Why did you decide to illustrate that your just as incapable with a video camera as with an ordinary picture camera?
For someone with limited talent like me, it is difficult to capture the atmosphere of an event in still images. I am therefore trying to convey the ambiance at every show through moving images and sounds. It is certainly worthwhile to watch the videos in high quality, it really makes a difference in viewing pleasure. All music in the videos is properly licensed so there is no copyright infringement. Older reports are divided into chapters, whereas the newest reports are full-length.
Snnnnnnoooooooooorrrr. Oh, you’re finished.
Do you also do something useful from time to time perhaps, instead of just mucking about with your camera?
After two years helping out at the Wings and Wheels Military History Show held annually at the NATO reserve airfield in Ursel, Belgium, I started helping out to set up a new airshow at Ursel: Ursel Avia Show, and also got involved with the International Sanicole Airshow. I also help out various shows and acts with publicity material. You can find out more about that in the portfolio section of this page.
Other than that, I no longer use my powers in ways that vegetarians can also appreciate, as I now work at the staff training center at Brussels Airport.

Are there any other sites you would like to recommend?
Which links would you like to know about?
Don’t you know it’s rude to answer a question with another question?
I firmly believe in the Socratic method.
I can’t imagine you having any friends so we can skip that category. Let’s keep this limited to aviation-related websites, shall we? I don’t have all day.
Paul Johnson’s Flightline UK is a site I would recommend filled with useful information.
Nobody’s perfect.
Certainly not me, I’m interviewing myself here.
I’m not interested in you, I’m not a nerd. Any other sites?
For more aviation videos, make sure to check out PlanesTV.
Don’t forget to like my Facebook page of course, because not all my videos are published on this website. In fact, videos of Belgian events where I work (Ursel Avia, International Sanicole Airshow and Belgian Air Fore Days), usually my best work, are not shown on this website at all but only on the events’ official media channels or their official DVDs.
Thank you for these suggestions. At least I won’t have to come here anymore.

- Microsoft Corporation (Internet Explorer, Edge)
- Google (Chrome and Swiffy)
- Mozilla (Firefox)
- Sony & Panasonic (Camera)
- Douwe Egberts (coffee)
- Stephanie Colle (website name)
- WordPress